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The Library's Pool of Resources for PhD Candidates

Target group

The target group of this guide is:


PhD students: Provide you with courses and selected material that we know will become useful during various phases of the PhD studies. This guide will help you to decide in which phase of your studies each of the listed topics is relevant for you to dive into.

To help you to decide, the material has been given the following colour code:

  • Green for the onboarding phase
  • Yellow for the ongoing and final phase.


Responsible persons: Heidi Karlsen, PhD and senior academic librarian and Astrid Heltne, Head librarian, both BI Library.








PhD on Track - an online resource

PhD on Track is a national web resource for PhD candidates and early career researchers in Norway. The website aims to enable beginning researchers from all academic fields to easily access information on different aspects of the process towards a PhD degree. The main topics are the Resarch process, Communicating results and Open science. On each of these main topic, you'll find a short video introducing the section. 

Go to the website: