Before you start writing you must choose which reference style you want to use. We recommend using American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition in English. You must clarify with your supervisor if you want to use another style than the recommended style.
1. Go to the Zotero tab and choose Add/Edit Citations. You will be asked to choose a reference style and language if you're working in a document where you previously haven't inserted citations.
2. Choose the style American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition.
3. Choose Language = English.
4. Click OK.
5. You can change style and language at any time by going to Document Preferences.
It's easy to change reference style and language in Zotero. Please follow these instructions if you need to change style or language.
1. Go to Document Preferences.
2. Choose a new style under Citation Style.
3. If you want to change the language you can do this in the field Language.
4. Click OK.
How to insert citations:
1. Choose the Zotero menu -> Add/Edit Citations. A pop-up box appears:
2. You can now search for references from your library and insert them into your text. You can add page number (Page) or remove author name (Omit Author) by clicking the reference.
1. Highlight the citation where you want to add a page number. 2 Click Add/Edit Citations. 3. Click on the citation in the pop-up box for more options. Add page number in the Page field and click Enter. 4. If you want to remove or change a page number, it's possible at any time by editing the page field.
1. Highlight the citation you want to edit.
2. Click Add/Edit Citations.
3. Tick the box Omit Author.
4. If you want to add the author later, you must remove the mark by Omit Author.
1. Highlight the citation you want to remove/delete. Click Delete or Backspace.
2. Click Refresh.
3. The citation has now been removed from the text and the reference list.
1. Place the cursor at the end of your document.
2. Click Add/Edit Bibliography.
3. The reference list will be automatically updated when you add references. After deleting/removing a reference you must update by clicking Refresh to make the changes visible in the reference list.
1. Copy the text including the Zotero references from one of the documents.
2. Open the other document and paste the text you copied from the first document.
3. Click Refresh, and the reference list will be updated.
We recommend to remove all Zotero connections before submitting an assignment. (NB! You should save a copy of your document with active Zotero connections in case you need to change something.) The Zotero connections can be removed by clicking Unlink Citations in the Zotero menu.
When you have unlinked the citations, it's possible to make changes in the citations and the reference list. They will not reset when you click Refresh, since the connection to Zotero is cut.
On some occasions it might be useful to export references from an existing Word-document. In these cases we recommend to use the tool Reference Extractor (The tool will only work if Zotero or Mendeley has been used when creating the citations and references). The tool runs on your machine and keeps your document and references private.
1. Upload a Word-document to Reference Extractor by clicking Choose file. Choose Output Format = CSL JSON and Copy To Clipboard
2. Go to Zotero. Choose File -> Import from clipboard. The references from the Word-document has now been added to your Zotero library.