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WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

Class Accounts

Class accounts allow students to access their organization’s WRDS subscription to conduct coursework. A class account is set up by a faculty member and approved by their organization’s WRDS Representative. Upon approval, the instructor receives a unique “Class Code” to distribute to students enrolling in the class. The instructor directs students to the WRDS website to create accounts which are automatically approved with the code provided.

Class accounts are meant to be used for a specific course at the institution and must have defined start and end dates. A student with a class account can only access the WRDS web interface to complete exercises or assignments during that time.

WRDS has recently enhanced class accounts so that students now have individual rather than shared accounts.
Now students can access the WRDS JupyterHub to create Jupyter notebooks to work with the data. In addition, instructors can use newly designed tools to manage their class accounts and track student usage of the WRDS platform.
Please note that class accounts do not include disk storage.

Using Class Accounts

Are you a faculty member setting up a class account, or a student enrolling in one?
The following guides contain instructions tailored to your usage.

Instructor Guide: Creating and Managing Class Accounts

Student Guide: Enrolling in a Class Account