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WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

SDC Deals


Historical data on various forms of deals, including M&A and new issues.




New Issues:

Refinitiv Equity New Issues Data: Refinitiv provides industry-leading equity and equity-related transaction information and League Tables to the global deal-making industry, comprising over 300,000 global equity and equity-related deals since the 1970s.

  • How Content is Sourced: Refinitiv relies upon direct deal submissions from global deal makers coupled with rigorous sourcing of regulatory filings, newswires, and company press releases to gather timely and detailed equity issuance information.
  • Frequency: The Standard Equity New Issues datafeed files are generated daily from Tuesday to Saturday. Daily feed files include all new and updated transactions since the previous update. The historical datafeed files are created monthly and include the full history of data (10 or 20 years of history).
  • Daily vs. Historical Feed: The Standard Equity New Issues datafeed files are delivered on a daily basis. 
    • Daily Feed – The daily delta files include all changes and updates from the previous update file. They are produced daily from Tuesday through Saturday at 06:00 am EST. 
    • Historical Feed – The historical file is a one-time dump of 10 or 20 years of history.


Description of Debt New Issues Feed: Refinitiv’s Debt/Fixed Income datafeed service offers client’s information on Corporate Debt for over 900,000 transactions globally. The datafeed for Debt includes all key terms and conditions of global transactions which are tracked in Refinitiv’s proprietary Deals database. Any new updates or revisions to existing data are provided through the daily datafeed files.

  • Sources: The data is sourced from over 250 individual sources and contributors. These sources include:
    • Over 200 English and foreign language news sources
    • U.S. and international bodies governing securities and public filings
    • Trade publications
    • News wires
    • Proprietary surveys of investment banks
    • Proprietary surveys of law firms
    • Other advisors
  • Frequency:
    • Daily Feed: Generated Tuesday to Saturday and include new deals and updated records
    • Historical Feed: Initialization Feed. Includes historical data for the last 10 or 20 years


Mergers & Acquisitions: 

  • Mergers and Aquisitions
  • Mergers and Aquisitions Advisors
  • Margers and Aquisitions Events 


Refinitiv provides complete coverage of Global Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) activity, featuring individual deal details, comprehensive market analyses and industry leading League Table rankings for the deal making community. Refinitiv's M&A database provides coverage of over 1.2 million deals, growing by ~50,000 deals per year. The Standard M&A datafeed includes all key terms and conditions of global transactions. All transactions are tracked from rumor to completion/withdrawal with new updates or revisions to existing deals provided via daily delta files.

  • Frequency: The Standard M&A datafeed files are generated daily from Tuesday to Saturday. Daily feed files include all new and updated transactions since the previous update. The historical data feed files are created monthly and include 10 years or 20 years of data (see below Daily vs. Historical files).
  • Daily vs. Historical Feed: The Standard M&A datafeed files are delivered on a daily basis.
    • Daily Feed – The daily delta files include all changes and updates from the previous update file. They are produced daily from Tuesday through Saturday at 06:00 am EST.
    • Historical Feed – The historical file is a one-time dump or either 10 years or 20 years of history.


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