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BoardEx provides extensive collection of data on board of directors of publicly listed companies in all regions of the world. Historic data covers the years 1999 to present and coverage is split into four sub-databases based on regions: 

  • BoardEx – North America: 17.400 companies 
  • BoardEx – Europe: 5.900 companies 
  • BoardEx – United Kingdom: 5.100 companies
  • Boardex – Rest of the World: 8.000 companies 

The data is further divided into 7 reports: 

  • Announcements 
  • Committee Details 
  • Company Profiles 
  • Compensation Analysis 
  • Individual Profiles 
  • Networks/Associations 
  • Organization Summary 

Please note that companies are divided into regions based on the country where they are headquartered or by their inclusion in certain stock indices. 

What kind of data is available? 

BoardEx contains compensation, employment, and relationship data on company boards, board directors, and senior managers, and it provides such information as age, gender, educational background, prior employment, and networks of individuals.   
Please note that not all data is available for all companies. As an example, you will find compensation data primarily for North American and European companies.


Link to BoardEx via WRDS