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Reading Lists in Talis

How to edit Reading lists in Talis

How to bookmark reports

1. Search for the report. If the report has a website or information page, bookmark it from there. Click on the Talis box at the top right:



2. You will see a quite incomplete form, where you will need to add some information:


3. Change the Resource Type to Document, edit the title, and add information about authors, year, and publisher using Add field. Finish by clicking on Create:




How to bookmark reports that are only available as PDFs

If the report is only available as a PDF, Talis cannot retrieve metadata. When you click on the Talis box (Bookmarking extension), nothing will happen. In such cases, you will need to add the report manually.

  1. Search for the report so that you have it open in your web browser.

  2. Go to the reading list and select Add resource anywhere in the list:


3. Click on Create manually:



4. You will see an empty form:



5. Change the Resource Type to Document, edit the title, and add information about authors, year, and publisher using Add field. Finish by clicking on Create: