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Systematic literature reviews


The aim of this guide is to:

  1. Describe what systematic reviews are, why they are useful, followed by tips to how they can be found.
  2. Describe different types of systematic literature overviews. As a start, you may find this overview useful.
  3. Describe step by step how you can conduct a systematic literature review. 
  4. Provide links to relevant resources.
  5. Outline how the library can help you.

(Illustration: Lise Arinda Ruud, BI Norwegian Business School, Campus Trondheim)

How can the library help?

Students and researchers at BI can get help from the library in various aspects of the process of conducting a systematic review: 



We can:

  • help you with the search strategy for your specific project and suggest databases to search
  • Advise you on how to use Zotero to collect and organize the literature and to identify duplicates
  • Provide the literature where this is not openly available or covered by our subscriptions



The library has formed a team of librarians specializing in this service. See our page on Intra to learn how we can assist you in your work with systematic reviews.