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Marketing Management

About consumer and market information

There are various commercial providers of this type of data. Some let you make your own tables, for instance Forbruker og mediaundersøkelsen and Interbuss. Others present ready-made tables, for example Nielsen and Andhøy. It will also vary how recent the available data is. Ask the library if you don't know which source to use.

Consumer and market information

Market reports from the Norwegian market

Flesland market information. Market reports with statistics and trends on the following branches: Fish and shellfish (Fisk og skalldyr), Kiosks and petrol stations (Servicehandelsmarkedet- kiosker og bensinstasjoner), Processed meat (Kjøttvaremarkedet), Baker's products (Bakervaremarkedet) and Institutional household (Storhusholdningsmarkedet)

Kantar - Interbuss. The most interesting trends from the quarterly survey of the use of internet and technology among Norwegian private households and individuals.

AC Nielsen - Markedsrapporten: dagligvarer i Norge = Marked trends Norway ... : grocery trade and convenience trade. Market trends in Norway within the grocery and service trade industry.

Virke - Handelsrapporten (The Trade report). Describes the situation in Norwegian trade, the major and more industry-specific trends, as well as their assumed significance for the future.

Opinion - Forbruker og bærekraft. Reports published by Opinion which look at Norwegians' relationship to sustainable development. Lifestyle, wishes and ambitions for change. The survey goes in depth on categories such as food and drink, transport and consumer goods. It highlights trends such as Norwegian-produced and plant-based food, fossil-free mobility, second-hand trade, reuse and repair. Opinion also looks at consumers' attitudes to nature, the environment and the climate.

Opinion - UNG2023 : rapport og målstudie om unge i Norge 2023. An annual study of development traits in Norwegian youth aged 15 to 25. Trends. Values and commitment. The young people's digital universe. Future, work and education. Health. Finance and shopping habits.

More statistical sources

You'll find more sources for statistics in the Economics libguide